- Leadership in Professional Associations
- Leaders in Non-Profits
- Volunteer in our Schools
- Involved in our churches
Returning to life… People Can, & have been amazing. #CharliesStoryHasMeaning
My family has a story of challenge and adversity, and we don’t know how we would have been staying so strong without the support and love of so many all around us! Focusing on what we are most grateful for in such a time of loss. We have felt His love just reigning down upon us. I feel as if our Father above has been preparing me for years, and now its time for my family and I to trust in Him, and now to share the experiences we have been having as we walk in Faith. This message may not before all, but thats okay.
We are not called to do this journey alone. We are instructed where 2 or 3 are gathered.
What is your support system? Are you plugged in? Do you lean on Him for strength? Questions? Guidance?
I sure do, and we have truly been experiencing His love. Very truly I tell you, I have been experiencing it, and feeling His presence almost daily.
Be it and ear or a place to turn you can always call me, or find a small group, one you can plug into, and truly grow. Find a place to actively grow in your Faith and be bold! Unafraid to come along side people out of LOVE. His Greatest gift.
Who would have thought such a small, young girl could have had such a profound impact. Baby Charlie, I love you and hope Papa, and the big guy are taking great care of you!
Peace through Adversity. #CrazyLove #CharliesStory
Normal, what is that?
Over the last 24-48 hours my family and I have experienced one of the most challenging and trying things I think any family can go through. The loss of a child. No matter the age, I know it can be absolutely gut wrenching and can tear you apart, can tear families apart. As for my family and I, we are truly leaning on a strength greater than our own!
Wild, right? Some may have a belief that if I say I am Christian, that I will have NO WORRIES, NO STRUGGLES. This is a lie and the Bible does not say this anywhere. When tragedy or things happen in this broken world, we need to have FAITH that He will carry us through. You see this crazy thing called “Free Will” and things outside our control come into play, and can wreak havoc on our lives.
I am so grateful for the places that I plug in, as well as my family. It truly has strengthened as the Spiritual leader of my home and given strength to endure the biggest tragedy I could have ever imagined. This last week at our mens study, we were studying in the book of John.
Sounds like a simple verse, right? Nope, you see in reading this verse we are challenged. We are challenged because, if we never speak with Him, or read His word, how can we tell what is of Him or not? Over the past several years I have personally witnessed and personally experience some incredible things, that I cannot explain by anything other than by His Grace. (or even referencing my dad speaking to God, before he went home)
We truly need to prepare our hearts and be the example for our kids, and I am truly grateful for His presence in my life. Fortunately, I have been able to latch onto a few groups and individuals that have mentored me through my journey, and they mean the world to me! My friend, my Faith Mentor as I call him, Steve Foster is an incredible man! He puts up with me and all my calls, and questions. I can’t even thank him enough for being in my life. He truly embodies The Love of Christ!
Why do I bring all this up? Well, my best friend in the world, is my Bride, Danielle. We truly just had the worst event that could happen to parents, happen. For some this could cause division, fights, separation, you name it! For us, we have been drawn together closer than we have ever been. We have been experiencing and uncanny, undescribable peace that has come over us! We have experienced a Love from so many that has overwhelmed us. It has truly warmed our hearts. Its almost weird, because we seem to be coping better than we could have ever expected. It is my belief, that we are living the “footprints” Prayer.
Charlie rises as our Angel! Prayers to Heaven
The day…
able to draw so much strength from leaning on our Faith, and from all those around us. Not sure we could have done this alone! The last 12 days has been a roller coaster of emotions, and wow…
Lucky…The Silver Lining #FamilyMatters
Through all the madness and through thick and thin I can’t be lucky enough for my, well what most people would say would be their “Out-Laws.” Well, I can’t quite say that. For as long as I can remember, they have been an extension of my “blood” family.