Its a new year and new opportunities are before us. HOW WE RESPOND is up to us.
You see this blog post is simple and based on a philosophy my dad would always tell us…. ” Absolutely, you have a choice, however, what you decide will have implications.” -Jim Orr
You see this concept transfers to ALL areas of life and I am continually reminded of this almost daily.
We need to be careful as to what we allow into our life and how we allow for interruptions! YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE!!! We are told its the most precious asset we have and that we cannot get it back. When we allow other things to take our time, it most likely means its taking time from another area.
Morale of the story, CHOOSE WISELY! (as Yoda would say)
- What things matter most to you?
- What are your time hogs?
- What do you want to do most?
- What brings you joy?
NOW… Schedule your time out and make it happen!
Not gonna lie, this iOS something I have struggled with, identified and I am battling to make this happen! And I guarantee its UNCOMFORTABLE!
Follow-Up on previous blog post- Unplug The First Hour..
I have been successful about 80% of the time and they have been some of my best mornings! Best mornings so far have been with an audio book, and a run. Less distractions and more thought provoking morning starts. Try it out? Let me know your feedback!